Sample short christian testimony

We love movies, books, and TV series that depict the lives of others. Stories teach us, encourage us, and challenge us as we see life from another perspective. Most of all, hearing a story that we can relate to reminds us that we are not alone.

A testimony is simply the story of how you have seen God work in your life. It can be the story of when you first put your faith in Christ, or it could be the story of what God is doing in your life right now. Your testimony demonstrates the love of Jesus and how having a relationship with Him has changed you or impacted your life. Your testimony can be a powerful tool to help others know Christ.

Proclaiming the great things Jesus has done for you can take many different forms. You can share your testimony with a friend over coffee, post about it on social media, or speak about it at your church or Cru club. Christina, a high school student, has seen God at work in her life and wanted to share her story with others through a video.

Check out her story below.

Discussion/Reflection Questions
  1. What in this video stands out to you?
  2. What did you learn from this video?
  3. What action can you take this week as a result of watching this video?

Whether your testimony looks like Christina’s or not, we all have a story. God wants to use your testimony to help others on their faith journey. Ready to share your testimony, but not sure how to start? We have you covered. Look below to learn why and how to share your story.

Example of a Testimony – Katie’s Story

In high school, Katie felt pressure to be the perfect student, the perfect athlete, and the perfect daughter. As soon as she got an A on one test, there would be another test on the following day. If she won one tennis match, soon there would be another match. Katie constantly felt anxious and exhausted trying to keep up this level of perfection that she thought was expected of her.

A turning point came when she went to a Christian camp for athletes. Speakers shared how someone could put their faith in Jesus to forgive the things they have done against God. Other students shared their joys and struggles with genuineness and authenticity. Katie learned that God would never love her more or less than He did at that moment. His love for her was not dependent on her performance. It was so freeing.

After trusting in Jesus as her Lord and Savior, Katie was so excited. She had hope for the future knowing God would be with her through any challenges she might face. Katie felt relief knowing God did not expect perfection. On her own, she could never attain perfection, but that is why Jesus died on the cross. He died for her shortcomings and promised new life with Him. Although life with Jesus was not instantly easier, it was better because she did not have to do it alone.

Ultimately, it was the love of God displayed through others that helped bring Katie into a relationship with Jesus. You could be that same example of God’s love for someone else.

Using a Theme in Your Story

When you begin to put your personal story together, think about any general themes that may surface. Themes are important because they are the “connection points” to the experiences of others. These connection points help people relate to what we are saying and reveal where they need God in their own life. Below are some themes that relate to the human condition across all cultures and ages. Can you think of any themes that have caused trouble in your life? Do any of these themes relate to you? You may find that more than one theme applies to you.

Universal Testimony Themes

Figure out the biggest theme in your own story, where God has done the most work in your life. Knowing the theme will give your story direction.

Pro Tip: Once you have used one theme, come back and see if another theme also fits your story. God works in many ways through our stories and it is likely that more than one theme will fit your story. Try a few others to share different parts of your story with others!

Putting Your Story Together

Once you have your theme, you can put your story together. When we are talking about sharing your testimony, we are specifically talking about a time when God moved in your life – especially when you first came to Jesus. There are three parts to every testimony:

Part 1 – What was your life like before Jesus?
Part 2 – What happened when Jesus changed your life?
Part 3 – How has your life changed since you came to know Jesus?

Write it out
Take some time to think about each of these parts and begin writing out your story. Think about how your theme has played out in each of these three parts.

Part 1 – What was your life like before Jesus?
Talk about what life was like in the area of your theme before Jesus entered your life. Talk about the events leading up to your acceptance of Jesus. For example, you were lonely, had guilt over things you had done, or never felt good enough.

Part 2 – What happened when Jesus changed your life?
Where were you and what was going on? Why did you decide to place your faith in Jesus? This is a good opportunity to emphasize the parts of the gospel that drew you to Him. When you clearly share how and why you accepted Jesus, you are explaining to your audience how they also can start a relationship with Him.

Part 3 – How has your life changed since you came to know Jesus?
Talk about what changed since you asked Jesus into your life. Use the theme to express the changes that have happened. Be careful not to make it sound like life is perfect, but do talk about the positive things you are experiencing now that Jesus is in your life.

Our printable Testimony Worksheet is a great tool to help you think through the different parts of your testimony. Use the buttons below to print it off or fill out your own copy online.

Your testimony demonstrates the love of Jesus and how having a relationship with Him has changed you or impacted your life.