Commodity Credit Corporation

The Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC or the Corporation) is a wholly-owned Government corporation created in 1933 under a Delaware charter and reincorporated June 30, 1948, as a Federal corporation within the Department of Agriculture by the Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act (PDF, 53 KB).

CCC funds are used to implement specific programs established by Congress as well as to carry out activities under the broad authorities of the CCC Charter Act. At this time, the principal programs established by Congress that are funded by CCC include:



CCC is managed by a Board of Directors (Board) subject to the general supervision and direction of the Secretary of Agriculture. Under the CCC Charter Act, the Secretary is an ex-officio director and chairperson of the Board. The Board consists of seven members, in addition to the Secretary, who are appointed by the President of the United States. Officers of CCC maintain liaison with other governmental officials such as the United State Trade Representative and private entities and organizations with interests in CCC-funded operations. CCC programs must be approved by the Board of Directors or the Secretary of Agriculture. Currently, all members of the Board and all Corporation officers are USDA officials. To learn more about the Commodity Credit Corporation bylaws, please visit the CCC bylaws (PDF, 1.6 MB).

CCC does not have any employees, using the employees of federal agencies in the conduct of its operations. Domestic agricultural price and income support programs and the Conservation Reserve Program are carried out primarily through the personnel and facilities of the Farm Service Agency (FSA). International programs are carried out by the Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The majority of CCC conservation programs are implemented by the Natural Resources and Conservation Service (NRCS). Other USDA agencies, such as the Agricultural Marketing Service and Rural Development Mission area agencies, also carry out CCC programs or, as directed by Congress, utilize funds of the Corporation to implement specified programs. CCC is authorized to contract for the use of privately-owned facilities in carrying out its activities.

CCC Board of Directors

Tom Vilsack, Chairperson, Secretary of Agriculture
Vacant, Vice Chairperson, Deputy Secretary of Agriculture
Robert Bonnie, Member, Under Secretary, Farm Production and Conservation (FPAC)
Jenny Moffitt, Member, Under Secretary, Marketing and Regulatory Programs
Alexis Taylor, Member, Under Secretary, Trade and Foreign Agricultural Affairs
Gary Washington, Member, USDA Chief Information Officer
John Rapp, Member, USDA Director of Budget and Program Analysis

CCC Officers per May 2022 Bylaws

Robert Bonnie, Under Secretary, FPAC, President
Zach Ducheneaux, Administrator, Farm Service Agency, Executive Vice President
Robert Ibarra, Chief Operating Officer, FPAC Business Center, Secretary to the Board
Vacant, Staff Specialist, Farm Service Agency (FSA), Assistant Secretary
Lucas Castillo, Chief Financial Officer, FPAC Business Center, Chief Financial Officer