
In Japan there are different resumes for different purposes and sometimes companies ask for more than just one CV. Our consultants at WorkBeam Japan are often asked to provide templates for Japanese and English Resume formats. We prepared some free template for you to download with an easy explanation of the differences between each resume. Please find the following free templates below for your use.

1. English Standard Resume – Simple format

This is a general English style format resume that can be commonly used for all types of career profiles and levels. This resume includes: an Introduction with your personal details, Technical Skills or Certifications (you can also add Professional Memberships, Achievements and Awards), Experience, Education, Hobbies or Relevant Personal Information (ex. International Volunteer for 3 years). Make sure to include the spoken languages and your JLPT level as well, this could help you to stand out from other applicants. Depending on the candidates background, it would be recommended to adapt it slightly to suit the candidate’s profile. For example a more technical developer background should fill in more in the technical area with which development languages they have used and to what level.

2. Japanese Resume – Shokumukeirekisho

This is exactly the same as the above, but would be the Japanese version of the English above.

3. Japanese Resume – Rirekisho

This is the traditional Japanese format which is required for some companies and gives a breakdown on each year and other circumstances. A photo is also required for this and can be digital too. The Rirekisho is a record of your education and positions. It is a list of your professional experiences from the most recent to the oldest, including your university and school. It doesn’t go deep into the roles, duties or tasks so usually Japanese company aks for bot a rirekisho and a Shokumukeirekisho.

If you have any questions on preparing your resume, please contact us for help with this and in finding you’re the next great opportunity.
