Should Pop Its Be Allowed in Class?

Aria thinks Pop Its should be allowed in class. James does not agree! What do you think?

From the December 2022/January 2023 Issue Featured Skill: Write Opinion Pieces , Participate in Conversations ,

Casel Social-emotional Learning Focus Relationship Skills: Communicating effectively Common Core Standards W.2 Write opinion pieces RI.2.8 Describe how reasons support the points the author makes in a text RI.2.10 Read grade-2- appropriate texts SL.2 Participate in conversations about grade-2 texts

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First, Pop Its are really fun to play with. They make me happy in class. Isn’t it great to be happy in class?

Next, Pop Its use up my extra energy. They calm me down so that I can focus better in class.

Last, Pop Its help me make friends. I can go up and ask to see someone’s Pop It. Pop Its helped me talk to someone new.

First, Pop Its are for playtime. Class is time for learning. Pop Its don’t belong there.

Next, I think Pop Its are loud! They make it hard for me to pay attention. They are distracting in class.

Last, people share their Pop Its with each other. That means a lot of kids touch the Pop Its. The toys get dirty. Yuck!

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