German Legal Research Guide

This section of the research guide highlights free and subscription-based resources for accessing German legal codes and legislation enacted by Germany's federal parliament. It also covers print resources available at the Georgetown Law Library.

German Legal Codes

In civil law systems, codes are comprehensive and systematic compilations of general legal principles that constitute primary sources of law. The theoretical frameworks established by codes are supplemented by statutes and ordinances, which are narrower in focus. Although they are enacted by legislatures, codes are distinct from ordinarily legislation in that legal scholars typically play a major role in drafting them.

German legal codes were first compiled during the late 19th century after Germany emerged as a unified state. They are updated and revised less frequently than other types of legislation. The German approach to legal codification has made a significant impact on the development of the law in other civil law jurisdictions, with the German Civil Code and the German Commercial Code being particularly influential.

Codes Online

The current versions of Germany’s legal codes are freely available on the German government website Gesetze im Internet (Laws on the Internet) in German and in English translation. Both the German texts and the English translations are available for download as PDFs.